Get Access token with Postman - invalid algorithm

Your reply helped and the token is valid but it’s not the same type of token as with the regular login flow.

Here’s my Postman setup that works

and my issuer in the Spring config file is
okta.oauth2.issuer =

When I debug the “Principal”, the type of token is different depending if the token was obtained thru postman or if the user logged in normally as shown in Andrew’s article.

@RequestMapping(value = "/api/test", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public void getToken(Principal principal ){ 

            //Postman request with Bearer Token
	if(principal instanceof  JwtAuthenticationToken) {
		JwtAuthenticationToken token = (JwtAuthenticationToken) principal; 
            //Normal Okta login
	if(principal instanceof OAuth2AuthenticationToken){
		OAuth2AuthenticationToken token = (OAuth2AuthenticationToken) principal; 

I think either type of token would be ok just as long as it’s the same one every time. They both have the data in it that I would need.

Thanks for your help getting me this far.