401 Unauthorized Access of Spring Boot API using Okta OAuth

Dear Okta Community,

There is one resource server and client application. From Client application , i am trying to access one API at the resource server through webClient, then i am getting error “org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClientResponseException$Unauthorized: 401 Unauthorized” . I am using Spring Boot API using Okta OAuth.

-Client Program hosted at port 8080

  • Resource Server hosted at port 8081

In the browser , i am trying to access http://localhost:8080/api , which will fetch the data “Made it to protected api on resource server!” from the Resource server , but i am getting 401 Unauthorized Access for the webClient at Client Program.

Rest API at client program is

String api() {
return this.webClient
.uri(this.resourceServerUrl + “/api”)
Rest API at Resource Server is

String api() {
return “Made it to protected api on resource server!”;

Any assistance would be highly appreciated.

Thank You.

Kaushik Mitra

How do you ensure that the accessToken is sent to your resource server? Seems like it might be missing when you send your request