401 with nodeJS SDK

I am trying out the node js SDK for my okta APIs.
But Im receiving 401s.
I am using the private key in PEM format by adopting “Public key / Private key” Client authentication for my Application in okta.
I used the kid value as KeyId. Is this fine?
What might be missing here?

Screenshot from 2024-04-09 21-32-13

You can check the below items,

  • Org URL should be your Okta base domain without -admin
  • Grant the requested scopes (okta.users.read) to your service application under Okta API Scopes tab
  • Assigned an appropriate administrator role in Admin roles tab
  • Check whether Proof of possession checkbox is disabled under General Settings. This is not supported by Okta node SDK yet.

Thanks Ram, the last point worked!

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