503 Error during oauth2 authentication


I’m facing an issue while trying to perform oauth authentication to my application via the “authenticate with app” option in the SCIM Provisioning tab. During the auth flow, when it tries to do a GET request to the callback URL, okta returns 503 service unavailable. It seems that there might be a problem from okta’s end.

The GET request goes to


which returns a 503 error.

The request before this, sent to the okta system URL is

GET https://system-admin.oktapreview.com/admin/app/cpc/dev-509262__1/oauth/callback?code=xxx&state=xxx

and this returns a 302. However, the next redirection is showing 503 as mentioned before.

What exactly could I do to debug this issue? Is there a possibility that the issue could be from our application’s end? Any help would be appreciated.