I am building one POC, tech stack is Angular as front-end + dot net core as a back-end and i am using Okta as a authentication and authorization provider.
I am able to authenticate user using Okta NPM package in angular front end app.
Now I receive two tokens one is Access Token and another is Id Token.
Now I want to secure my .net core API with Access Token, so for each request i am sending the access token to the server.
I have added the below code in my startup file, and have added the Okta.AspNetCore; NuGet package.
services.AddAuthentication(options =>
options.DefaultAuthenticateScheme = OktaDefaults.ApiAuthenticationScheme;
options.DefaultChallengeScheme = OktaDefaults.ApiAuthenticationScheme;
options.DefaultSignInScheme = OktaDefaults.ApiAuthenticationScheme;
.AddOktaWebApi(new OktaWebApiOptions()
OktaDomain = "https://dev-819187.okta.com",
Audience = "api://default",
which is not working.
Then i added this code
services.AddAuthentication(options =>
options.DefaultAuthenticateScheme = OktaDefaults.ApiAuthenticationScheme;
options.DefaultChallengeScheme = OktaDefaults.ApiAuthenticationScheme;
options.DefaultSignInScheme = OktaDefaults.ApiAuthenticationScheme;
.AddOktaWebApi(new OktaWebApiOptions()
OktaDomain = "https://dev-819187.okta.com",
Audience = "{App clientId}",
AuthorizationServerId = null,
with which i am able to validate the Id Token but the same code is not working when i send Access Token to .net core.
Then I checked these url’s:
- https://dev-819187.okta.com/.well-known/openid-configuration
- https://dev-819187.okta.com/oauth2/default/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server
which are returning the two different jwks_uri i.e:
- https://dev-819187.okta.com/oauth2/v1/keys —> openid
- https://dev-819187.okta.com/oauth2/default/v1/keys —> oauth
and checked the kid in both the urls.
The kid returned by the openId keys (3) is matches with the kid in my Id Token when i decoded it with online urls such as https://www.jwt.io.
but when i decoded the Access Token the kid in access token doesn’t matches with the kid provided by Oauth keys (4)nor in Open Id Keys (3) url.
This is strange, I have wasted lot of time in investigating this but no joy.
and the sad part is when i try to validate the tokens manually using postman and /introspect url it returns success for both the tokens.
Note: I have only one authorization server that is default one.
Any help appreciated. If you require any more details please ask.