Hi Team,
Is it possible to use OKTA as authorization server and Salesforce as resource server.
e.g. Can I generate access token using OKTA API (token URL and credentials) and use this token to access salesforce API.
Hi Team,
Is it possible to use OKTA as authorization server and Salesforce as resource server.
e.g. Can I generate access token using OKTA API (token URL and credentials) and use this token to access salesforce API.
Hi there,
It is not possible. You have to go through the step described by Salesforce to generate a token to access their API as described in the Saleforce API Developer guide: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/intro_what_is_rest_api.htm
Hi Team,
Is it possible to use OKTA as authorization server and any other system as resource server.
e.g. Can I generate access token using OKTA API (token URL and credentials) and use this token to access any other system API.
Hi @atul.dixit
You can use the Okta authorization server together with request to /introspect endpoint in order to access the resource server securely, however, under heavy traffic, this method will generate rate limiting on Okta’s side.