I am using Open ID Connect from ASP.Net. I have synced my Active Directory using the agent. I enabled delegation to AD. I have modified the Authorization Server to create a ‘groups’ scope and expose the groups claim with regex: .*
When I make my request to the API, the response type is “code id_token token” and the scopes are “openid profile email groups”.
When I log in as an AD user, the login is successful, but the only group in the response to the userInfoClient.GetAsync call is “Everyone”.
Am I missing something to be able to see what AD groups the user is a member of?
Thank you
No response to this? Is there more information that is needed? I am happy to provide anything needed. I am stuck on this and can’t find any good answers why I am not able to get the users Active Directory groups to appear in the list of claims. Please help.
Regex only works on Okta groups, there was a performance issue associated with ad groups and regex that we couldn’t support. I followed up with the team (hence the delay) and it is on the roadmap for them to get this behavior in.