Android single tap signIn/Signup with Google using credential manager

Android credential manager API support single tap signIn with the google. User can signup/login with an already authenticated google account with a single tap. The library allows authenticating directly with the Google without going through Okta. Is there a way to use Credential manager API to use authenticate/authorizae with Okta Google Social Login?.

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Thank you for your inquiry. This is not be currently supported code-wise; however, it should be possible to implement it if you do have extensive knowledge of the Android platform.

Currently, the Credential Manager API flow isn’t supported in any Okta samples. Implementing this may require a significant amount of custom code. However, it’s worth noting that this feature is on our roadmap and is a key item for future releases for our sample.

If you’re interested in expediting its implementation, you can submit an idea for it on Okta Ideas. This will help prioritize its development. For more information, you can refer to the following article: Okta Ideas

Thank you Krishna. we will go with okta browser sign in flow for now!.

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