Angular app: okta-token-storage is empty even sucessfully logged in

this.isAuthenticated = await this.oktaAuth.isAuthenticated(); – is always returning empty. while investigating cause for returning false, I noticed “okta-token-storage” local storage is empty.

I have sample app, which okta provided in git. when comparing with sample app, i came to know about this.

Are you seeing the /authorize and /token requests succeeding? Was the user actually issued tokens?

Hi @andrea, thank you for your response. actually I tried to use different callback page instead of login/callback. I could notice that issue happened because of login/callback. now its resolved.

now i m facing issue in attribute in my WebApi (, getting 401 error same access token is working fine in my demo app, but not working in real project. looking for solution.

By real product, do you mean you’ve deployed it or that you are testing with a different Okta org?

@andrea still its in my development machine

can you tell me what is the exact thing why you are not getting access_token. I am also facing same issue login/callback i am using

its configuration issue, I was using different route to redirect after login. but as per OKTA, they prefer to redirect login/callback.

I am using login/callback and oktacallbackcomponent only but it is working in my local machine when I tried in remote desktop i am not getting access token only transaction storage is storing

Your deployment environment, does it use HTTPS?

Hello, I have data in local storage, okta-cache-storage shared transaction storage and token storage. I am not getting any token back. In network tab I don’t see Authorize request being called. I used implicit /callbackroute as callbackcomponent and I am using inject(okta_auth). I am not getting anything in authstate. The okta details are org managed so will changing login/callback fix it? Also the callback url is being called repeatedly.

@Naeem can you create a new thread for your issue? You can reference this one in your new thread if you think your issue is related.