Auto renew custom domain certificates?

LetsEncrypt is suggested as a certificate option, as it should be. But how can we auto renew our certificates if the DNS records have to point to okta through a CNAME record?

  1. Will auto renewal work?
  2. Will okta auto renew the certificates for me?
  3. What then, is the proposed way that I renew my certificates, if not through certbot renew?
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Bump! I have to manually change my DNS records every 90 days to renew my authentication certificates.

Hi @RobinDeSchepper

At the moment, the certs would need to be updated manually inside the Okta administrative panel before the old ones expire, in order to provide consistency in the HTTPS traffic.

I’d like to encourage you to raise this as a new feature request over our Okta Community by going to your Okta Admin Panel >> Help and Training >> Product >> Ideas. Features suggested in our community are reviewed and can be voted and commented on by other members of the community, therefore making it much easier for the engineering team to understand the priorities that you have for feature requests.

Once feature requests are submitted they are visible to other Okta admins, who can vote on them to provide more visibility. Using this method will allow you to maintain visibility on your feature requests throughout the process.

Pile on here…

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Okay. That direct link doesn’t always work. Get there manually:
–Login to developer dashboard
–Change to “Developer Console” to “Classic UI”
–Help and Support
–Ideas/Submit an Idea
–[redirect all over the place instead of login screen]
–Search 107241
–Thumbs up icon to +1

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