Browser requests to the token endpoint must use Proof Key for Code Exchange

I’m developing an application that angular as a frontend and consumes the backend endpoints from a .Net Core application. So through the frontend I want to authenticate through okta and I’m trying that out through the localhost.
I added the client id, secrets of the okta application but when I navigate through the login page to okta and okta redirects to my application again it responds with that error: OAuthError: Browser requests to the token endpoint must use Proof Key for Code Exchange.

Are you using a Web or SPA client? Do you have the “Require PKCE as additional verification” enabled?

I would also check to see if there’s an Origin header present, as discussed here for this error.

Hello Nicole,
I’m using web but the thing is my application’s frontend is angular and the backend is service based NET Core with API endpoints but the documentation for MVC architecture so how do I manage that with the current architecture since the frontend and backend or two different projects?

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