Hello, my team has a use case that requires end users to be able to log on without access to a web browser. We are using Okta as an external OpenID Provider and following this How-To document that involves exchanging a session token for an authorization code. Our application can execute the Authorization Code Flow to retrieve id/access/refresh tokens.
Here are the steps we are taking:
The user completes Primary authentication using curl or some other CLI utility generating a
The user copies the
value from the Primary authentication response and forwards it to our client app. -
Our client app constructs an authorization URL with the proper parameters, including
. Here is an example:
- Client app sends GET request to the authorization URL. We expect Okta to use the
as a form of authentication and immediately redirect the client app back to itself with the authorization code. However, the following error is being returned to the client app:
{"request_id":"2e0738eb-f221-425f-abcb-00826b10b432","timestamp":"1655304888","database":"test","error_code":"GENERAL_ERROR","state":"eyJvY19yZXFfaWQiOiIyZTA3MzhlYi1mMjIxLTQyNWYtYWJjYi0wMDgyNmIxMGI0MzIiLCJvY19kYl9pZCI6ImQ5NjFlOTM5LTE5ZmUtNGNmOS1iYmZiLWUyMGIxYWYwZjMwNCIsIm9jX2Zsb3ciOjJ9","error_description":"the client specified not to prompt, but the user is not logged in."}
Is the sessionToken
insufficient? Are there additional headers that Okta expects when receiving the authorization request? Any assistance on this is greatly appreciated!
FWIW, the client application is using a libcurl wrapper to execute the authorization request.