Common mistakes for setting up Angular app?

We were able to download the sample Angular app for our application and got the sample working correctly. We are trying to debug on the actual Angular application cannot figure out why its not working. Okta is trying to reroute and adding a ?code={hash} to the end. The data stored in local storage does not include a token.

What are some things we need to look at that can cause login flow issues?

We are following the docs as closely as possible.

Are you seeing an error or a blank page?

It is routing back and we see the correct page, but isAuthenticated = false. We downloaded the sample app from the console for the application and was able to get it to work. We are having trouble finding any differences between ours and the sample.

Clarifying a few details for @adongre. There is no error, and it does redirect back to our page with our Login button, but the url does not reset back to localhost:4200. Instead, it remains at /login/callback:
and isAuthenticated does continue to be false with no token returned.

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I am also facing similar issue with angular okta setup

We ended up just using the angular sign in widget.

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