Could not decode token: failed to verify with any of the keys

Hi :slight_smile:
Does anyone had faced this error: could not decode token: failed to verify with any of the keys
I’m trying to validate a token with:

func ValidateAccessToken(accessToken string) bool {
	toValidate := map[string]string{}
	toValidate["cid"] = "{CLIENTID}"

	jwtVerifierSetup := oktaJwtVerifier.JwtVerifier{
		Issuer: "{DOMAIN}/oauth2/default",
		ClaimsToValidate: toValidate,
	verifier := jwtVerifierSetup.New()
	_, err := verifier.VerifyAccessToken(accessToken)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("ERROR", err)
		return false
	return true

But it always returns that error.

I’m not sure what am I doing wrong.

Thanks in advanced.

Hi @fernanda.vargas

Can you please provide an example of access token used in order to further check it’s details?