Hi there,
I want to implement a custom forgot password flow using my own screens for an app. I am using okta.sdk package in c# for that. I have researched on the flow for forgot password from below links :-
- Authentication | Okta Developer
- Authentication | Okta Developer
- Authentication | Okta Developer
- Authentication | Okta Developer
^ these links described the flow very well but I want to implement it using okta sdk package. Though I have found one method that generates the OTT which is :-
^This gives me a link which redirects me to the specific window for further verification step. But, I want to use that link or OTT to perform the second step which is verify OTT through okta sdk. Currently, I am not able to find such method in the library so could you suggest or provide more information about How I can proceed with it?
Thanks in advance…!!