Customise Okta Hosted Page for Sign Up

Anybody can advice how can we customise the Okta Hosted Page for Sign Up?

For example:
After I click on “Sign Up” link, this widget will be shown.

I would need to add checkbox and additional messages like “I acknowledge that I have read, understood, agreed and consented to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy” in between First Name and Sign Up. Are there any ways to do it?

You can add custom code to the Okta hosted login page if you configure a custom url domain.

You may want to look into the afterRender function and see what the context is when the registration form is loaded.

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Cool. It works. :slight_smile:

Do you know if it is possible do define “preSubmit” functions too? if yes, any idea how should i start?

GitHub - okta/okta-signin-widget: HTML/CSS/JS widget that provides out-of-the-box authentication UX for your organization’s apps

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