We’d like to send a csv report to a set of users, but along with that we must also send a summary in the same email like:
Summary based on userType:
userType A: 10
userType B: 21
Summary based on Country:
Country A: 15
Country B: 25
I can do it all but unable to figure out the increment part and how do I share the same counter between each callouts. So at the end of the flow I know how many users are from Country A or of userType A.
Consider the data table has attributes like Name, ID, Country, userType, EmpID
@maxkatz Exactly yes. I would want to sum up each user type separately before including it the report.
I’m currently stuck at how do I maintain that counter and keep incrementing it by one everytime say we find an Employee and similarly add 1 when its a contractor. I tried with storing it in table, with both concurrent and single callouts and still the final number is never correct. How else do we store something temporarily and be available in different callouts.
Here I was calling a child flow for each user data object and has if/elseif conditions to increment the respective counter when that specific user type was found.
@maxkatz that I used as an example to explain what I need as the end result. I could find the count myself by manually checking the user data (export via rockstar).
Are you implying that workflow table is the way to go for this problem ?