Disabling "Connecting to" SP-Initiated Banner

If nobody objects, because I don’t find these things when I search for them, let me post here what I’ve learned. You can disable the “Connecting to …” banner that occurs when using SP-Initiated logins by adding the following to the afterRender event:

oktaSignIn.on('afterRender', function(context) {
         var banner = document.getElementsByClassName("applogin-container");
         if (banner.length) banner[0].style.display = "none";


I believe can also be turned off via Settings>Customization>Okta Interstitial Page:


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Times change: the setting in the second post is now under customizations → branding → some brand, look on the settings tab. But it won’t turn off the header.

To complete the operation in the first post you have to set up a custom domain so that you can edit the sign-in page and wrap the JavaScript sign-in widget. This isn’t necessary, as soon as you edit the custom sign-in page, save it without any changes, and then publish, the banner and the footer will go away. They aren’t defined in the custom page, only on the default page.

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