Documentation for /introspect endpoint


I took a while to understand how to use /v1/introspect to validate tokens coming from a Single Page Application. The documentation is not clear on that.

For application having client_id and client_secret, the doc is clear. We wrap that on Basic Authentication, add token as querystring parameter and create a request.

When getting access token for Single Page Application we don’t have client_secret. We don’t use any authentication method and provide client_id as querystring parameter.

The documentation is explicit on that OpenID Connect & OAuth 2.0 API | Okta Developer.

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Hi @fabiomontefuscolo,

Thanks for your valuable feedback.
The documentation is indeed lacking for calling /introspect endpoint for SPA tokens.
We will update the documentation accordingly.

Update: We have updated the documentation. Please take a look if it looks right. Thanks again.


Hello Vijet,

I came across this post from a year ago, while looking for information on how to use the introspection endpoint for SPA apps. I’m still not seeing any update to the documentation for this. What am I missing?

Since this authentication applies to many of the OAuth endpoints, we do have advice about how to handle client authentication for public clients (e.g. SPAs with PKCE auth), which you may want to take a look at.

For public clients (such as single-page and mobile apps) that don’t have a client_secret , you must include the client_id as a query parameter when calling the /introspect endpoint. Make sure that you aren’t passing the Authorization header in the request.

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Thank you. We got it working :slight_smile:

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