Does the Okta Sign-in Widget support app usernames?

I’m using @okta/okta-signin-widget version 6.2.1 and calling the OktaSIgnIn.showSignInToGetTokens method. When I try to sign in with a valid email address and password, it works. But when I try to sign in with an app username instead of an email address, I get the errors “Unable to sign in” in the widget and “FAILURE: VERIFICATION_ERROR” in the System Log. I believe the latter error means that the app username can’t be found.

In the browser’s Developer Tools, I see a request to POST /api/v1/authn that contains the credentials I entered, but there’s no app client ID. Because app usernames are associated with apps, I’m not surprised that the request fails with 401.

Does the Okta Sign-in Widget support signing in with app usernames instead of email addresses?

Nope, users will need to provide their Okta username to login with the Widget

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