Enabling Postman testing of my apps APIs

I am using Okta with my JHipster app.

Now I want to use Postman to test the APIs of the app.

Of course the Postman responses look like login pages for Okta.

I cant find any documentation on how to setup Postman so it is authenticated with Okta.

Can someone give me a steer?

What are you trying to accomplish?

Just so you know how things work, when you hit localhost:8080/login it redirects to Okta’s authorization endpoint. If you’re not logged in, it prompts you to log in, then redirects you back to the app with an authorization code. This is sent back to Okta by Spring Security to the token endpoint to get an access token. This is then set as a cookie.

If you want to get an access token and then talk to your JHipster API, you might have to configure things differently on your server, for example using @EnableResourceServer instead of @EnableOAuthSso.

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