June 14, 2023, 8:46pm
In the previous version I could call enrollFactor
for sms and pass it the phoneNumber
through profile
of the factor
. How do I do this in v7?
June 17, 2023, 9:40pm
Is your Okta Org a classic Org?
If so you should be able to,
profile: {
phoneNumber: '+1-555-415-1337',
updatePhone: true
[Okta Authentication API]: https://developer.okta.com/docs/reference/api/authn/
[Okta Identity Engine]: https://developer.okta.com/docs/concepts/ie-intro/
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# Okta Authentication API (authn)
> :warning: There is a new version of Okta's Authentication APIs. New applications should use the IDX API instead. Existing applications which use the Authn API will continue to work, but you should [migrate](#migrating-to-idx)) your apps to use the [IDX APIs](./idx.md) if you want to leverage newer Okta capabilities.
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Migrating to IDX](#migrating-to-idx)
- [API](#api)
- [`signInWithCredentials(options)`](#signinwithcredentialsoptions)
- [`forgotPassword(options)`](#forgotpasswordoptions)
- [`unlockAccount(options)`](#unlockaccountoptions)
- [`verifyRecoveryToken(options)`](#verifyrecoverytokenoptions)
- [`tx.resume()`](#txresume)
- [`tx.exists()`](#txexists)
- [`session.setCookieAndRedirect(sessionToken, redirectUri)`](#sessionsetcookieandredirectsessiontoken-redirecturi)
- [`transaction.status`](#transactionstatus)
- [Common methods](#common-methods)
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If your Org is an OIE Org and you are using the Interaction code flow, enrollment is configured via policies in your Okta Org. Below is a link to documentation detailing the steps,
The sample app for the above can be found at,
A sample app for client side auth-js can be found at,
Thank You,