Error 400, bad request on logout

I have an application configured as follows:

Ultimately, the parameter looks like this:

curl --location --request GET '

However, I’m receiving a 400 error, bad request, and I don’t understand what might be wrong with this request. I appreciate your help, regards.

Hi Marco, just to clarify one thing the id token that you provided in the example above is not the real one you are using right (eyJraWQiOiJWSHAxdzNK)? This because the actual id token shouldn’t be that short in format.

Sorry, I forgot to clarify this, that was a sample token, but here’s my original request.

curl --location --request GET ''

Thank you.

Hi Marco, thanks for sharing that. I just wanted to rule that option out. If you go into your system logs and search for the error over there. What does the error/warning message state?

Thank you very much for your prompt response, Andrew1, but following the path:
1.- Dashboard
2.- Reports
3.- System Log, there is no record of this error, only the logs for “OIDC access token is granted SUCCESS”, “User accessing Okta admin app SUCCESS”.

Thank you.