I am currently working on a use case where I have requirement to capture access_token grant event and maintain some logging against it in our system. I looked into event types doc but unable to find any event type which for access_token grant which is eligible for hook. Is there any way to capture this event?
One other way I have in mind is to user inline-hook for token minting but since I don’t need to change the token, it doesn’t make sense to use inline-hook.
It does not look like any of the token grant events are event hook eligible at this time.
For reference, these are the events types for an access token grant:
app.oauth2.as.authorize.implicit.access_token - Implicit flow (response_type=token) + a Custom Authorization Server
app.oauth2.authorize.implicit.access_token - Implicit flow (response_type=token) + the Org Authorization Server
app.oauth2.as.token.grant.access_token - any other flow type + a Custom Authorization Server
app.oauth2.token.grant.access_token - any other flow type + the Org Authorization Server
I would recommend filing a Feature Request on our Okta Ideas site to get this support added.