External IDP (OIDC) in Okta -

I followed the Enterprise Identity Provider | Okta Developer

When I go to test the configuration I am getting a “Bad Request” 400 error with this url “https://savemart.oktapreview.com/oauth2/v1/authorize?idp=0oab5vwfc9wZI5JaO1d7

If I select the “Go to Homepage” option the next url is “https://savemart.oktapreview.com/sso/idps/0oab5vwfc9wZI5JaO1d7?stateTokenExternalId=aHcwSFFHZzNvYmpMRGthMjVtZ2VYV3ZWdVBjbGpmOERJREQrTldocnRJWVdqT2V4V01vMmt3TG44bDltcjI0Wg” with another “Bad Request” error

I do not see any entries in the system log for this attempt.

I have pasted the 2 Oauth Tracer logs below for these 2 attempts:

openid profile email okta.users.read.self okta.users.manage.self okta.internal.enduser.read okta.internal.enduser.manage okta.enduser.dashboard.read okta.enduser.dashboard.manage

openid profile email okta.users.read.self okta.users.manage.self okta.internal.enduser.read okta.internal.enduser.manage okta.enduser.dashboard.read okta.enduser.dashboard.manage


For OIE Okta Orgs social IdPs are now configured entirely via backend policies, even if you want to have social buttons show up on the sign-in widget.
There are a few ways you can have a user redirected to an external IdP

  • IdP discovery rules (configured in IdP routing rules)
  • Display Social Buttons and let a user select (also configured in IdP routing rules)
  • If doing an authorization code flow include the idp parameter in the request.

What is correct for your situation depends.
I suggest opening a support case so more information can be gathered for you Okta setup.

Thank You,

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