I followed the Enterprise Identity Provider | Okta Developer
When I go to test the configuration I am getting a “Bad Request” 400 error with this url “https://savemart.oktapreview.com/oauth2/v1/authorize?idp=0oab5vwfc9wZI5JaO1d7”
If I select the “Go to Homepage” option the next url is “https://savemart.oktapreview.com/sso/idps/0oab5vwfc9wZI5JaO1d7?stateTokenExternalId=aHcwSFFHZzNvYmpMRGthMjVtZ2VYV3ZWdVBjbGpmOERJREQrTldocnRJWVdqT2V4V01vMmt3TG44bDltcjI0Wg” with another “Bad Request” error
I do not see any entries in the system log for this attempt.
I have pasted the 2 Oauth Tracer logs below for these 2 attempts:
openid profile email okta.users.read.self okta.users.manage.self okta.internal.enduser.read okta.internal.enduser.manage okta.enduser.dashboard.read okta.enduser.dashboard.manage
openid profile email okta.users.read.self okta.users.manage.self okta.internal.enduser.read okta.internal.enduser.manage okta.enduser.dashboard.read okta.enduser.dashboard.manage