How can I use the python Okta SDK to grab one specific user?

Hi, I want to grab the data of one specific Okta user using the python SDK. The documentation specifies I use get_user(user.profile.login) but it returns a NameError saying name ‘user’ is not defined. I think this is an issue with not defining which user I want to grab? Where would I specify which login I want to use? I want to grab a user’s data by searching their login (first.last)

Here is my code:

config = {
    'orgUrl': '',
    'token': os.environ['OKTA_API_TOKEN']
okta_client = OktaClient(config)

async def GrabOktaUser(UserLogin):
    users, resp, err = await OktaClient.get_user(user.profile.login)
    return resp

Hi everyone, I solved my own issue. I was using the wrong name for the Okta client (For me it was okta_client not OktaClient) and to search you just enter the user id. So replace "user.profile.login’ with ‘first.last’

Here is the proper code:

config = {
    'orgUrl': '',
    'token': os.environ['OKTA_API_TOKEN']
okta_client = OktaClient(config)

async def GrabOktaUser(UserLogin):
    users, resp, err = await okta_client.get_user('first.last')
    return users
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