How does the API on User Import with Hashed Password work with SHA-256

I am testing the user creation API with imported hashed password. It’s on SHA-256 algo.

Here are the steps that I tested -

password -> Testing123!

salt -> MPu13OmY

salt order -> PREFIX

Take the string “MPu13OmYTesting123!” and generate a hash via and I got a hash -> “4DD2ED3C3DAC519EA09D10D492F69082A65C66DB58061A01A9019223FA57AA75”

now what’s the value of the hash goes to the API request in the credential object? I tried the whole 64 char string and it apparently doesn’t work.

would appreciate any insights on this!

“credentials”: {
“password” : {
“hash”: {
“algorithm”: “SHA-256”,
“salt”: “MPu13OmY”,
“saltOrder”: “PREFIX”,
“value”: “4DD2ED3C3DAC519EA09D10D492F69082A65C66DB58061A01A9019223FA57AA75”

What was the response you got?

I was able to make this post and it worked:

POST /api/v1/users?activate=false
  "profile": {
    "firstName": "Isaac",
    "lastName": "Brock",
    "email": "",
    "login": "",
    "mobilePhone": "555-415-1337"
  "credentials": {
    "password" : {
      "hash": {
        "algorithm": "SHA-256",
        "salt": "MPu13OmY",
        "saltOrder": "PREFIX",
        "value": "4DD2ED3C3DAC519EA09D10D492F69082A65C66DB58061A01A9019223FA57AA75"

the user can be created in Okta but the password “Testing123!” cannot login the user.

Ah. I see. The issue is that you want the sha256 base64 hash, not the hex version, which is what the site you’re using provides. Try this one: and use the SHA256 base64 hash value in your request.

Using your salt and password, I get:


I verified that I can log in as the user with Testing123!

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Thank you Micah. that solved the issue.

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Can OKTA migrate users with SHA-1 password?? I have tried the below code. The user gets added to OKTA, but I am unable to login using my password (Test$123!). When I have generated the hash using SHA-256 and used [“algorithm”] = “SHA-256”, I was able to login.

                ["password"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
                    ["hash"] = new Dictionary<string, string>
                        ["algorithm"] = "SHA-1",
                        ["salt"] = "qsBix3+FvBzW6jDjS+h3O6I7XQY=",
                        ["saltOrder"] = "PREFIX",
                        ["value"] = "Yqz2D3NqIFsWVLiZKQWVcVUHrQ4"

Hi @mail2eldo

I’ve checked also on my end now and I was unable to authenticate successfully users using SHA-1 passwords. Can you please open a support case with us at in order to have this reviewed internally and sent to the engineering team?

I tried the same approach as Micah , it does work well for SHA-256 . However , if i try and use SHA-512 with the same SHA Generator to grab SHA-512 Encoded value… it does fail and doesnt let me login with Testing123! password.

Keeping the salt value same and Prefixing it. Basically only swap is SHA 512.

Anyone experienced this issue?

Maybe check out the blog post we have about password hashing: The Ultimate Guide to Password Hashing in Okta | Okta Developer

const crypto = require('crypto');

// text string to be hashed

const password = 'Test$123!';

// function to generate the SHA-1 hash

function sha1Hash(input) {

const sha1 = crypto.createHash('sha1');


return sha1.digest('hex');


// generate the SHA-1 hash of the password

const hashedPassword = sha1Hash(password);

// convert SHA-1 hash to Buffer object

const buffer = Buffer.from(hashedPassword, 'hex');

// convert the Buffer object to a base64 encoded string

const base64Password = buffer.toString('base64');

// print the hashed password in base64 encoded format


Here is the code that works, in case someone is looking for it.

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