If I can get this done then we’re pretty much ready to launch our project.
Yes, I wish I could use https://github.com/okta/okta-signin-widget . However, I can’t get Vuejs to play nicely with okta-signin-widget because that relies on JQuery.
Can we just point a CNAME at https://mydomain.oktapreview.com ?
May 8, 2018, 3:37am
Just my thought, maybe you can run a reverse proxy on login.<mydomain>.com that points to <mydomain>.oktapreview.com?
This feature is coming very soon. We are about to release our Custom URL Domain feature to early access, which will allow you to CNAME any domain or subdomain you own. I can send you a message when it’s available. I’d love to get some early feedback.
We have a detailed step by step guide here:
I’ve worked through them a couple times myself including once last week. There are a lot of steps but they’re well documented.
Don’t try to get creative the first time you do it… take that from personal experience.
January 12, 2024, 11:18pm
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