HTTP 400, Okta E0000020 (Bad request.), ErrorId oaef3-gx0_VQuKRYNfmhm7s9w

I am getting E0000020 error while trying to connect to fetch listOfgroups from OKTA.
This works fine for the first time but the next or subsequent request fails with the error code.For my case groupSearchValue is NULL and filter is below.
[lastUpdated gt “2021-04-21T09:59:12Z” or lastMembershipUpdated gt “2021-04-21T09:59:12Z”]

Client oktaClient = Clients.builder().setOrgUrl(oktaUrl).setClientCredentials(new TokenClientCredentials(apiToken)).build();
GroupList groupList = oktaClient.listGroups(

( null != groupSearchValue && !groupSearchValue.isEmpty() ? groupSearchValue : null ),

( null != filter && !filter.isEmpty() && filter.length() > 2) ? filter : null , null );

@sanjar09 Hi, here is the Okta list group api. Can I ask if you try to verify in postman?
What is the response in your postman? Can you please test and add a pic?

@Lijia I feel the issue is with the below filter, lastUpdated filter should be in some specific format.
Filter format used in code - lastUpdated gt “2021-04-21T09:59:12Z
Filter format to be used in - lastUpdated gt “2021-04-21T09:59:12.000Z
I will try out the postman as well but this seems to be the issue.

Yup, please have a try.
You can refer the format in our API doc. Time filter is with below format.
lastMembershipUpdated gt “yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSZ”
For more info, please refer

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@Lijia The issue was with the format, it is working fine now.