HttpClientRequestExecutor - Failed to read configuration property

I upgraded the Java SDK from 1.5.4 to 4.0.0 and I get all the time these pointless log entries. I never edited any of those properties before so I’m totally fine with the defaults. What is the point of the WARNs?

[WARN ] 2021-05-18 17:38:11.017 [restartedMain] c.o.c.h.h.HttpClientRequestExecutor - Failed to parse configuration property [maxConnectionsPerRoute]
[WARN ] 2021-05-18 17:38:11.020 [restartedMain] c.o.c.h.h.HttpClientRequestExecutor - Failed to parse system property [com.okta.sdk.impl.http.httpclient.HttpClientRequestExecutor.connPoolControl.maxPerRoute]
[WARN ] 2021-05-18 17:38:11.020 [restartedMain] c.o.c.h.h.HttpClientRequestExecutor - Failed to parse configuration property [maxConnectionsTotal]
[WARN ] 2021-05-18 17:38:11.020 [restartedMain] c.o.c.h.h.HttpClientRequestExecutor - Failed to parse system property [com.okta.sdk.impl.http.httpclient.HttpClientRequestExecutor.connPoolControl.maxTotal]
[WARN ] 2021-05-18 17:38:11.020 [restartedMain] c.o.c.h.h.HttpClientRequestExecutor - Failed to parse configuration property [validateAfterInactivity]
[WARN ] 2021-05-18 17:38:11.020 [restartedMain] c.o.c.h.h.HttpClientRequestExecutor - Failed to parse system property [com.okta.sdk.impl.http.httpclient.HttpClientRequestExecutor.connPoolControl.validateAfterInactivity]
[WARN ] 2021-05-18 17:38:11.020 [restartedMain] c.o.c.h.h.HttpClientRequestExecutor - Failed to parse configuration property [connectionTimeToLive]
[WARN ] 2021-05-18 17:38:11.020 [restartedMain] c.o.c.h.h.HttpClientRequestExecutor - Failed to parse system property [com.okta.sdk.impl.http.httpclient.HttpClientRequestExecutor.connPoolControl.timeToLive]
[WARN ] 2021-05-18 17:38:11.027 [restartedMain] c.o.c.h.h.HttpClientRequestExecutor - Failed to read configuration property [connectionTimeToLive: Invalid connection time to live value]. Falling back to default value: 300000
[WARN ] 2021-05-18 17:38:11.169 [restartedMain] c.o.c.h.h.HttpClientRequestExecutor - Failed to read configuration property [validateAfterInactivity: Invalid max connection inactivity validation value]. Falling back to default value: 2000
[WARN ] 2021-05-18 17:38:11.169 [restartedMain] c.o.c.h.h.HttpClientRequestExecutor - Failed to read configuration property [maxConnectionsTotal: Bad max connection total value]. Falling back to default value: 2147483647
[WARN ] 2021-05-18 17:38:11.169 [restartedMain] c.o.c.h.h.HttpClientRequestExecutor - Failed to read configuration property [maxConnectionsPerRoute: Bad max connection per route value]. Falling back to default value: 1073741823
[WARN ] 2021-05-18 17:38:11.169 [restartedMain] c.o.c.h.h.HttpClientRequestExecutor - Failed to read configuration property [maxConnectionsPerRoute: Bad max connection per route value]. Falling back to default value: 1073741823
[WARN ] 2021-05-18 17:38:11.169 [restartedMain] c.o.c.h.h.HttpClientRequestExecutor - Failed to read configuration property [maxConnectionsTotal: Bad max connection total value]. Falling back to default value: 2147483647

@soterro Do you have the link of the SDK you are using? How did you upgrad the SDK? The warning looks like you the configuration is not setup appropriately.

I changed the version in pom.xml to 4.0.0 :blush: and changed like three-four function names.

I have no idea what “configuration is not setup” because I have no idea what those failing properties are. I have never seen or touched them before and I definitely don’t want to start now… as long 1.5.4 worked without me configuring ten system properties about http connection pools, I kinda expected 4.0.0 to work as well.

@soterro Can you please attach the link of the SDK you are referring now?


@Lijia as you can see there’s no “link”. It’s standard Maven, which is a common tool to build Java applications.

You need to follow up the migration guide and check if you make the corresponding changes in your code.

For Java sdk, please note Version 2.0.0 introduces a number of breaking changes from previous versions. So you still need to check the migration from 1.x to 2.x if you upgrade from 1.x to 4.x

Thank you. However I wasn’t asking about migration guides. The application runs fine and is migrated fine.

BUT I have newly those annoying WARN log messages and I’d very much like to get rid of them. And ideas related to MY problem?

@soterro If you followed up the guides and upgraded correctly, you need to look into your code to investigate the warning. You can discuss your code under issues tab in the sdk.

Thanks for reporting this!
We are tracking it on GitHub here: Remove log spam from HttpClientRequestExecutor by bdemers · Pull Request #50 · okta/okta-commons-java · GitHub

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