I have an angular 11 app, can i do authentication using okta web application client details?

Hi, I have an angular 11 app, for authentication okta admin has provided okta web application details which are being used for Java backend. Is there a way i can use okta web application configurations and go through the authentication? I am using “@okta/okta-angular”: “^3.0.1”.


Hi there @Saurabh_B_LTI !

Yes, you can use Java with Angular. This web application will be fully encapsulated with a Java framework like Springboot. Here’s an example blog post discussing how to set it up using Vue instead of Angular

If you want an independent Angular app from Java backend (where you Java doesn’t handle the authentication for the Angular app, you’ll need to set up a separate Okta application for SPA.

Let us know if you have any other questions!

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We have different apps for Angular and JAVA, both hosted differently. Is there a way to use web app configurations in OKTA? Means it works for the same client in frontend and backend?


Is the Java backend handling authentication at all? or is it solely the responsibility of the Angular app?

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Java backend does have the authentication. Authentication is on both sides angular and Java.

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