I changed the service provider code to pass this. But now I keep getting this error.
“Cannot supply multiple client credentials. Use one of the following: credentials in the Authorization header, credentials in the post body, or a client_assertion in the post body.”
Also to add more context, the okta setup was working fine till I added the client_id. But I cannot remove the client_id because I have other Identity Providers also integrated and some of them require this.
Yes sure. I can debug and see calls going through to the Idp. and this is what the request looks like.
headers: {
Authorization: ‘Basic {auth-token from the authorization endpoint}’,
‘Content-Type’: ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded’
payload: ‘grant_type=authorization_code&code={authorization-code}&redirect_uri={service-provider’s url}&client_id={idp’s client id}’
We ran into the same error recently. Our app client has to send the same client_id and client_secret both in the header and in the body to be able to support other authorisation servers. Is there a way to circumvent the requirement to send the credentials only in one place?