Identity Security for Games in C# with Unity


I can get both Native and Okta working well on an Android build with these steps, and can login and get the token using PKCE when I use the player inside Unity. As soon as I build and run on my device, it doesn’t launch the browser. I tried adding network permissions in the manifest, and requiring internet access in the build settings, but no luck. Do you have any suggestions on what might be going wrong?

Koushik Majumder

I am getting an error while trying to login with iOS.

I have followed the steps and get successfully get session toke from desktop (MAC OS) in. But when ever I tried the same thing from iPAD I get an error.
'Default constructor not found of type Okta.Sdk.Abstractions.DefaultResourceTypeResolver`1[[Okta.Auth.Sdk.AuthenticationResponse …

Is there something i am missing.


Koushik Majumder


I Tried the OAuth it is working fine for desktop application. But when ever I tried the same project on iPad it never open te browser.

please help if

Hi !

I am wondering (after several attempts and research) if it is possible to add okta OAuth2 to an old Unity project (5.2.4f1)

Thanks for your help


We’re trying to setup OAuth2 authentication for a Unity app.
I’ve followed the tutorial and it’s working OK for windows, but when trying on a Mac, I get the following errors:

redirect URI: Listening.. EntryPointNotFoundException: GetConsoleWindow

The app we’re building will ultimately be deployed on iOS devices, is there a different setup required to make it compatible?

Thanks in advance!

Having the same issue when trying NativeUI. OAuth2 approach also failing with iOS.
Were you able to get this resolved?

Hello, I try to add the SDK but when I do it the console show this error :

“PrecompiledAssemblyException: Multiple precompiled assemblies with the same name Newtonsoft.Json.dll included on the current platform. Only one assembly with the same name is allowed per platform.”

How can I fix this issue

Good morning, the build from the link uses an old newtonsoft and doesn’t seem to support current, same with the unsafe library, any way we can somehow update the package to use the latest of each? or is the source code fully available for the plugin?

Assembly ‘Assets/Plugins/Okta.Sdk.Abstractions.dll’ will not be loaded due to errors:
Okta.Sdk.Abstractions references strong named Newtonsoft.Json Assembly references: Found in project:
Assembly Version Validation can be disabled in Player Settings “Assembly Version Validation”

Assembly ‘Assets/Plugins/Okta.Sdk.dll’ will not be loaded due to errors:
Okta.Sdk references strong named Newtonsoft.Json Assembly references: Found in project:
Assembly Version Validation can be disabled in Player Settings “Assembly Version Validation”