Incorrect Okta Sign In Widget config causes infinite refresh

I’m using the Okta Sign In Widget in such a way that it exists on my SPA directly on the login page that the auth server uses as a login redirect page.

If my Sign In Widget is configured incorrectly, specifically if I set useClassicEngine to false when it should be true, the widget shows this:

It stays there for a few seconds then appears to recreate the widget and automatically try to connect again, fails again, refreshes again … and so on in a loop.

That automatic initial connection is under the hood of the widget, it seems, and I don’t get any failure or success from the widget. I just get this endless cycling.

I get a stack like this in the network tab:

And the message in the URL is: identity provider is not valid.

I understand what the configuration problem is and I can fix it, but I want the widget not to cycle endlessly like this. Is there a way to catch that initial error since it doesn’t come in through the error handler?

I create it like this:

const widget = new OktaSignIn(widgetConfig);

const { searchParams } = new URL(window.location.href);

widget.otp = searchParams.get(‘otp’);
widget.state = searchParams.get(‘state’);
el: widgetRef.current,

I added an afterRender as well as an afterError and it’s failing in the device-challenge-poll context (per the afterRender) but I never get afterError. It just goes to the successRedirect context next and tries again.

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