Introducing Okta's Official PowerShell Module

The Okta Workforce Identity Developer Podcast returns with an exploration of our latest new developer tool, the Okta PowerShell Module!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hello, the example code for - Group rules definition does not work. i was able to add groups just fine but group rules are not working. thanks

This is good, and I’m happy to evaluate it against the unofficial powershell module that Gabe Sroka built, but where’s the documentation? None of the cmdlets have any help data, and the examples are for very specific scenarios.

We do a lot of automation using the Okta API and it’s nice when we can wrap it in powershell, would love if we could get a full list of cmdlets with switches and usage samples are what missing to actually put this to use.

Agreed, it’s potentially a very useful and powerful tool and I have leveraged it to do some bulk mass user/group manipulation successfully but the lack of any documentation on how to use the rest of the functions renders this mostly useless.

The old unofficial community driven alternatives that I came across initially when going down this rabbit hole were infinitely more friendly to use. Most of the procedures eg. just to create a basic group end up being far more complex and requiring more lines of code as everything is manual and based on resource IDs whereas the unofficial modules did a lot of this heavy lifting for you behind the scenes and simply worked just on the Group Name etc.

any plans for updating the module to handle the entitlements and grants for Identity governance?