Java: Disable Email Trigger for Reset Password in Okta Identity Engine


I’m encountering an issue while upgrading from Classic to Identity Engine. I followed the embedded solution example.

In the Classic version, there was an option to trigger the resetPassword flow by passing a boolean to control whether an email was sent:

ResetPasswordToken recoveryTokenOkta = user.resetPassword(false);

Can someone guide me on how to proceed with the reset password process without triggering an email, using the Identity Engine with idxAuthenticationWrapper.selectAuthenticator()?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hey Del,

Thank you for writing to Okta Dev Forum. My name is Akash, from Okta.

With regards to your query, we would like to get some additional context. Could you please provide us with the details of the Java SDK and its version that you are currently using?

Hi Akash,

We using Java version 17 and Okta SDK the latest version from maven

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