Login problem please help me

please help me:
[invalid_token_response] An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the OAuth 2.0 Access Token Response: I/O error on POST request for “https://dev-482025.oktapreview.com/oauth2/default/v1/token”: Connection timed out: connect; nested exception is java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect

thanks !

Sounds like an internet connection problem. Can you reproduce it consistently? If so, do other websites work? Are you behind a proxy?

https://trust.okta.com doesn’t seem to indicate any problems on our side.

A proxy will make this error ?? Maybe I’m behind a proxy for I’m in a company net work . if so what can i do to make it work??

Are you able to hit the URL in your browser?

Matt Raible

Developer Advocate





Yes,I can hit it . Recently, I start learning to use okta for authentication and authorization with spring boot ,now I have already had a free account and successed to make it redirect to login page. but after I hit login button of okta login page , a moment later , welcoming page is a error page with message (see end attachement)
I don’t know whether the reason is code error, POM.xml dependency error or a proxy . So , I want to have a demo of spring boot maven project running with no groovy. By the way , My application runs localhost

" An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the OAuth 2.0 Access Token Response: I/O error on POST request for “https://dev-482025.oktapreview.com/oauth2/v1/token”: Connection timed out: connect; nested exception is java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect" .
Thanks for your replys !

Has this been resolved? I’m getting exactly the same problem with SpringBoot example from this blog: https://developer.okta.com/blog/2019/05/15/spring-boot-login-options. Thank you!

Adding -Dhttps.proxyHost=<…> -Dhttps.proxyPort=<…> to command line resolved it.

Hi Thanks for the info. Can you give more details?

I am having this issue when using the okta java client sdk. The connection is being refused from the cloud server.