I used the example in the oficial Embedded Okta Sign-In Widget fundamentals which is a simple webpage with log-in through JS in an HTML page, where the application on OKTA is configured as SPA.
The log-in works just fine, but when I try to logout, the page reloads and then it doesn’t show the log-in widget again. It shows I’m still logged in (apparently it never logged out). From what I can see, the oktaSignIn.authClient.signOut()
method is failing on my case. Basically my original logout function is below:
function logout() {
After looking for the answer in my places and checking some other answers in the forum and reading more about the Okta Auth JavaScript SDK, I came up with the following logout function that is working (apparently) like a charm:
async function logout() {
// signOut() by itself is not working
// After the location.reload() the screen doesn't load the sign-in widget,
// and it shows it is still logged in
// await oktaSignIn.authClient.signOut();
// gets accessToken object to revoke it
// recommended by https://github.com/okta/okta-auth-js#closesession
const accessToken = await oktaSignIn.authClient.tokenManager.get('accessToken');
// revokes access token
await oktaSignIn.authClient.token.revoke(accessToken);
// closes session, alternative to signOut()
await oktaSignIn.authClient.session.close();
// clears okta-token-storage from localStorage. Although documentation for
// closeSession() says tokens are cleared in TokenManager, the actual browser
// localstorage maintains the idToken. This clear() removes it
await oktaSignIn.authClient.tokenManager.clear();
// Reloads browser to show sign-in widget again
So, my questions are:
- Why the official example is not working on my case? Am I forgetting something?
- I’m not sure the solution I came up with is the most efficient one, does anyone suggest that I change anything on it?
- Why don’t I see other people going through the same logout problems? Would it be because many people implement Okta Log-in for other platforms, like mobiles, back-end apps, machine-to-machine, etc?
Thank you,