No uri registered to handle redirect or multiple applications registered


I have both Okta OIDC and Okta Kotlin SDK integrated in the same app, e.g. mysampleapp.
manifestPlaceholders[“webAuthenticationRedirectScheme”] = “mysampleapp”
manifestPlaceholders[“appAuthRedirectScheme”] = “mysampleapp”

When I tried to use the Okta OIDC to login, it gave me this error. How should we handle this condition?

No uri registered to handle redirect or multiple applications registered
22:50:26.636 E sign_in_api ERROR - Authorization error
Failure(message=sign_in_api ERROR - Authorization error, throwable=java.lang.Exception: Authorization error)

Did you have a chance to look at this Github issue: No uri registered to handle redirect or multiple applications registered · Issue #100 · okta/okta-oidc-android · GitHub

In your org settings you can remove “https://” from the URIs
then setup config:

config = OIDCConfig.Builder()
.clientId(“id here”)
.scopes(“openid”, “profile”, “offline_access”)


android.defaultConfig.manifestPlaceholders = [
“appAuthRedirectScheme”: “”
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