Hi everyone,
I am using “Okta.Sdk 1.2.1” on a .NET desktop application.
I am simply following these basic steps to authenticate a user:
But i am having a null reference exception when creating a new OktaClient with the following code (I have created the token “Chams” on my API) :
Okta.Sdk.Configuration.OktaClientConfiguration configuration = new Okta.Sdk.Configuration.OktaClientConfiguration
OktaDomain = “https://{{dev-702820.okta.com}}”,
Token = “{{Chams}}”
var testClient = new OktaClient(configuration);
Here’s the full stack trace of the exception:
at Okta.Sdk.Internal.DefaultProxy…ctor(ProxyConfiguration proxyConfiguration, ILogger logger)
at Okta.Sdk.Internal.DefaultHttpClient.Create(Nullable`1 connectionTimeout, ProxyConfiguration proxyConfiguration, ILogger logger)
at Okta.Sdk.OktaClient…ctor(OktaClientConfiguration apiClientConfiguration, ILogger logger)
at Com.QuodFinancial.FrontEnd.Core.Services.Security.Cryptography.Connection.BeConnectionManager.d__2.MoveNext() in C:\Dev-Projects\Dev_TradingFE\frontend_trunk\Core.Services\Security\Cryptography\Connection\BeConnectionManager.cs:line 118
Maybe the format of my OktaDomain is bad ?
I’ll be grateful for any help or idea