OAuthError when logging in through Facebook

Hi, I’m trying to build a prototype using okta signin widget. I turned on idp Facebook, but when I click on the Facebook button, I get: “OAuthError: The authorization server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.”. Here’s the network traffic:
https://{{my-okta-domain}}/oauth2/v1/authorize?client_id={{client-id}}&code_challenge=dQ8R8GD3dThpBjmwQ52BueGiww71b1juCCbiJh0hsxM&code_challenge_method=S256&idp={{FB-idp-id}}&nonce=94LNhR5pDKTFr50oWoWaHMeh7v29ERAWLhx4gzzFd4Ve8sN92tghrqq7uQ1t7MA5&redirect_uri=http://localhost:3000/implicit/callback&response_mode=fragment&response_type=code&state=Na8r90z2crOsLCRxE4PnrUaWotHSzpbgPDnesjeY6t4Wva3jufhTHClpECJs95X6&scope=openid email profile address phone


step 3:

step 4:

Notice that the first 3 steps went ok, however step 4 is not getting any token back. There’s no error in console and network traffic, only one generic OAuthError message printed on the screen.

Hi @hliang

Can you please open a support case regarding this error through an email to developers@okta.com? It seems that there is a misconfiguration either on Okta side or on Facebook side which prevents Okta from generating the tokens successfully.

Thank you. I emailed developers@okta.com regarding this issue last week, but haven’t heard back yet.

Hi @hliang

Thank you for letting me know. The email was blocked for some reason, but I’ve unblocked it now and one of our Developer Support Engineers will reach back to you on US working hours.

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