OIDC native app integration for web application

I have an oidc app for web integrated in okta which is working fine. I am looking to use the same details to have okta oidc native app integrated in okta i wanted to use the same redirect uri and logout redirect uri for mobile as well as would want to run the same app for mobile is it feasible to use the same redirect uri. As i checked on the guide the redirect uri for native app looks like: com.okta.dev-1234567:/callback but the webb url i have is different.


For mobile devices where the application is a native app you need to register a custom scheme for the app with the underlying OS. This way when a browser/http client is redirected back to the device the device will be able to launch/resume the native app.

If you use a the same scheme as your web app (https), then on redirect the browser will simply redirect itself to that address and not open the native app.

Thank You.

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