I’m using the okta-auth-js sdk and I’m wondering how I should configure a proxy for the OktaAuth instance. Here is what I have:
const oktaClient = () => {
return new OktaAuth.OktaAuth({
clientId: "...",
issuer: "...",
redirectUri: "...",
pkce: true,
scopes: [...],
httpRequestClient: async (method, url, options) => {
const proxyHost = '...';
const proxyPort = '...';
const httpsAgent = tunnel.httpsOverHttp({ proxy: { host: proxyHost, port: proxyPort }, rejectUnathorized: false });
return await axios.request({
url: url,
method: method,
headers: options.headers,
httpsAgent: httpsAgent,
data: options.data,
withCredentials: options.withCredentials,
validateStatus: status => {
return status >= 100 && status <= 599;
I’m using it to perform the following:
const auth = oktaClient()
let transaction;
try {
transaction = await auth.idx.authenticate({
username: customer.userId,
password: customer.password
} catch (error) {
I was prompted to attempt configuring a proxy since I was seeing the following error:
{“name”:“AuthApiError”,“xhr”:{“message”:“request to https://my-auth-server/my-auth-server-id/.well-known/openid-configuration failed, reason: read ECONNRESET”,“type”:“system”,“errno”:“ECONNRESET”,“code”:“ECONNRESET”}}
I’m running this code as an acceptance test in a pipeline presumably on my company’s network. I’m using CodeceptJS and Puppeteer which has its own proxy server configured:
exports.config = {
tests: "./tests/*_test.js",
output: "./output",
helpers: {
Puppeteer: {
show: process.env.npm_config_headless || false,
url: ...,
timeout: 0,
chrome: {
ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,
args: [