I’m working with the okta-idx-swift package and am running into issues selecting a phone factor. I’ve tried the sample code from the example/signin samples folder.
here is the sample below:
func remediate(context: AuthenticationRemediationContext, completion: @escaping AuthenticationRemediationContext.StrategyResult) {
guard let response = context.response,
let remediation = response.remediations[.selectAuthenticatorAuthenticate] ?? response.remediations[.selectAuthenticatorEnroll],
let authenticatorField: Remediation.Form.Field = remediation["authenticator"],
let selectedFactor: Remediation.Form.Field = authenticatorField.options?.first(where: { field in
field.authenticator?.type == factor
let selectedMethod: Remediation.Form.Field = selectedFactor["methodType"]?.options?.first(where: { field in
field.value as? String == method.stringValue
else {
return completion(.failure(.factorNotFound))
selectedFactor["phoneNumber"]?.value = phonenumber
authenticatorField.selectedOption = selectedMethod
remediation.proceed {
result in
switch result {
case .success(let response):
case .failure:
in this case the authenticator.kind is .phone and the selected method is .sms
However, this leads to this response:
{“version”:“1.0.0”,“messages”:{“type”:“array”,“value”:[{“message”:“The request body was not well-formed.”,“i18n”:{“key”:“E0000003”},“class”:“ERROR”}]}}
I’ve copied the request body that is send to the okta/idx/challenge endpoint:
With the okta-idx-java package, don’t have any issues getting through this flow, but there is a nice wrapper class that makes it a bit easier to work with.
I feel there is something I’m not setting correctly with the form prior to calling proceed. Any help or suggestions are appreciated.