Okta Sign-In Widget authClient not assignable

I am trying to set up a sign in widget in angular.

Sign in to your SPA with the embedded Okta Sign-In Widget | Okta Developer i am following this. i don’t realy know if i do it correctly because i start from a blanck angular project.

Anyway, in the login component in the constructor, in the “this.singIn” , i have a error on " authClient: oktaAuth" where authClient is a WidgetOktaAuthInterface and not a OktaAuth so i can’t assign it…

Did i do something wrong?
I am in Angular 16.


I suggest you to follow first along the guide and use our Angular sample: samples-js-angular/custom-login at master · okta/samples-js-angular · GitHub

upon completion you can check the differences in the configuration setup between the sample and your blank angular project it might be related to your imports or the way you have defined things.

I did… But i can’t figure what i am missing here

Well, i was all up to date in the okta package… but i need to regress to version :
@okta/okta-angular”: “^6.0.0”,
@okta/okta-auth-js”: “7.0.2”,
@okta/okta-signin-widget”: “7.3.1”,

to make it works… this is kinda sad that i can’t update to lastest without any problems