OKTA + Spring 4 + Spring Security 3 - Not Spring Boot

Hi Team,

Am using spring 4 and Spring Security 3(Not Spring boot) web application , planning to enhance SSO using Okta , how to achieve it , can you please let me know if you have any samples (not spring boot only spring framework apps)

Don’t have any ready link to share, but does not Spring Security have any guide on SAML/OIDC integration? That’d be something I searched for, if I were you.

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Hi there,

There are some very old samples available - Simple Authentication with Spring Security | Okta Developer and GitHub - oktadev/okta-spring-security-authentication-example: Simple Authentication with Spring Security
However, I am unsure if this will be useful for your use case or not.

If this is something not useful, I would recommend that you submit a submit a feature request to Okta Ideas, more information about how to use Okta Ideas found here: Okta Help Center (Lightning).
Once ideas are submitted, other Okta admins will have the ability to vote on them to help our Product team prioritize requests. Additionally, you will be able to monitor the potential for future enhancements there.

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