Was wondering what is the meaning of the origin field under debugContext.debugData?
Can you provide a screenshot or the total log event of the request where you see the origin field.
It seems like new users can’t upload images.
Attaching the relevant part from the log:
“debugContext”: {
“debugData”: {
“authnRequestId”: “xxxxxxxxxxxxx”,
“dtHash”: “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”,
“logOnlySecurityData”: “{"risk":{"reasons":"Anomalous Device","level":"MEDIUM"},"behaviors":{"New Geo-Location":"NEGATIVE","New Device":"POSITIVE","New IP":"NEGATIVE","New State":"NEGATIVE","New Country":"NEGATIVE","Velocity":"NEGATIVE","New City":"NEGATIVE"}}”,
“oktaUserAgentExtended”: “okta-auth-js/7.0.2 okta-signin-widget-7.18.0”,
“origin”: “http://localhost:3000”,
“requestId”: “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”,
“requestUri”: “/idp/idx/authenticators/poll”,
“threatSuspected”: “false”,
“url”: “/idp/idx/authenticators/poll?”
I think the origin field shows the domain where the request originated.
Just to make sure, you think it is the domain on which the Okta login page is displayed?