Im completely new to Okta, Authentication and Authorization, so excuse the ignorance.
- One App
- Multiple Users
– Super Admin
– Admin
– Non-Admin
- My company assigns another User to a super admin group, who can add other users (admins and non-admins) from their company, which has an company_id (or name) attached to it and it propagates down to the users they create.
- We want to authenticate each all users and return their company_id (or name).
I have the following questions:
Through the Okta Dashboard UI
- How can I create and propagate relational data pertaining to company_id (or name) to a profile that a Super-Admin is part of?
- How do I get those roles? i.e. Admin, Super-Admin…etc.
I see there is a Object called RoleList, but not sure how to assign it through Okta’s Dashboard.