Overcoming 30 day workflow limitations with a workflow, helper and a table

I’ve created a workflow that intakes information for a newly created accounts for upcoming hires.
It basically :

  1. Reads the user account to get hire date and personal email
  2. Creates a random secure password
  3. Updates a users profile to update the password
  4. Then performs a wait until hire date
  5. From template it generates an email that gets sent to a user personal account , which includes the users company email address/ okta username and temporary password

Everything was working well but I noticed that workflows has a max Wait for date range of 30 days , so all of the hires that were being on boarded sooner were successfully scheduled to get workflow run on their accounts but hires with dates greater than 30 day just error out.

To keep them from just erroring out
I added some cards to compare the hire date to today’s date and used that info in an IF / Then card and if the hire’s date was more than 30 days out , I had it create a new row entry in a Table tracking username , hire date and rowID.

I then created a Schedule workflow that runs daily at 9AM which reads the rows and feeds them to a For Each card which is pointing to a helper card.

The helper flow with captures the usrername, hire date and row id fed from the scheduled card with each row having info for one user. The card then goes on to calculate if the hires date is less than 29 days away and if it’s more it just stops… But if it’s less it then goes on to, delete the row and then schedule the hire to receive the onboarding email on their start date.

Hey, @rnegron101 — Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your template/flows!

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