Hi Team,
What is default timeout of OKTA refresh timeout?
I have access_token which expires after 1 hour and am using refresh_token to renew the access_token after 1 hour. Though just curious is there any expiry of refresh_token.
Hi Team,
What is default timeout of OKTA refresh timeout?
I have access_token which expires after 1 hour and am using refresh_token to renew the access_token after 1 hour. Though just curious is there any expiry of refresh_token.
Hi @KD84
If you are using Okta authorization server (eg. authorization endpoint looks like /oauth2/v1/authorize), refresh token will have a fixed lifetime of 100 days.
If you are using a custom authorization server (eg. authorization endpoint looks like /oauth2/${authServer}/v1/authorize), then you can customize the lifetime to anytime between 10 minutes and potentially unlimited from the Access Policies inside the authorization server in Okta administrative panel.
what is the default lifetime of refresh token for a custom authorization server if I don’t explicitly set it?
I believe it’s shown by default for authZ server policy as unlimited, but will expire if not used every 7 days
@phi1ipp is correct, those are the lifetimes set for the Default Authorization Server. All other custom authorization servers that you create will NOT have an Access Policy/Rule created for you, so there is no default and you must configure this policy/rule for each server explicitly.
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